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Testimonials by Category
The People below are giving testimonials just as they
come off the Biologically Resonant Harmonizer
You will notice that most of them seem like they are
completely out of it and Very Groggy from there
journey! They Are! They have just come back from
a very deep soul healing. They have released deeply
seeded issues that remained with them,
buried deep within there subconscious. No years of a
Psychologist. No Psychiatric Drugs. No additonal
Inner Work. Just relaxing onto the Healing Pad.
It is the sound, in the way that it is delivered that is
opening their chakras , activating these energy centers
and allowing for them to instantly go into these
realms where Deep Inner Healings are taking place.
You will also notice that some of them are having a
hard time at expressing what they just experienced.
That is because they are having a NDE like place they
go where reality is not the same as here. The other side
does not function like this 3d Reality,
so we do not always have the words to fully explain what
we experienced.
30Years Nonstop Anxiety Gone in 7minutes
Extremely Deep
Emotional Healing
Deep Emotional Patterns
Released in 20 minutes
Alana's Profound
Journey and Healing
" I'm High "
Anxiety * PSTD * Childhood Trauma * Recurring Dreams
37 Years of Non Stop Dreams Gone 1 Hour and Much More
Release Blockage
w Energy Moving Up
Journeys to Other Realms
Orbs Begin Flying
Around His House!
Healer and Psychic
REALLY Enjoys Her Journey
She Sees The
Profound Oneness Experience & Dancing with Stars
Communicates With
His Departed Wife
Was Busy In Heaven
Doing Things.
A Message from Her
Departed Boyfriend
And Dog
She Traveled Home
Eyesight Healing After
A Concusion
Six Weeks Of
Lower Back Pain
Completly Gone In A Flash
Just 5 Minutes
And He Is Amazed At How He Feels
Pain Relief
Sciatica Relief
Gave Him
Energy Plus
Better than
Gave Pure
Found Herself Floating
In A Peace / Healing
Watson has a
Consciousness Expansion
& Deep Peace
It Was Just Me
And The Oms
Ayahuasca Like
Lauren Felt LIke
She Was In The Womb
He Had Such Deep
Experiences, He Got
on 3 Times
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