Call For Actors :
3 Female / 3 Male
To immediatly take on the rolls for
Episode 2 where the people turn
real in this episode.
1.. The Psychic Intuit
2. The Blonde Bombshell
3. The Tuffy New Yorker
The site we are filming at is georgeous
and mysterious for
Zombie Pothead Attack Episode 2
So before the leaves begin to drop
contact me right away.
Please send a picture
of yourself and any resume if you have one.
Only a cool look and you believing you can
play one of the parts and help gain and audience needed to apply.
Especialy looking for the role of
Kelly Grace to be the spokes person for the movie episodes.
So guys and girls who want to have some fun
contact me through the contact page
above and I will get back to you as quickly
as possible.
I Want to film this second episode
at this time.
Thank You and good luck.
Mark C Seiver
For the Movie :
"Run For Your Lives
The Potheads Are Coming" tm
Our first filming will be of the song.
"Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh
While Smoking Marijuana"
From the mock up of the film you can see
that an incredible music video and dance
video can be created from this
song and beat.
Looking for dancers and actors to film this number and then the opening of the movie.
Please contact me at the above contact page with your information.
Thank You
Mark C Seiver S eio